SPY x FAMILY Series: SPY x FAMILY is a Japanese anime series. The series features Takuya Eguchi, Atsumi Tanezaki, and Saori Hayami in lead roles with other supporting cast.
It has a total of 2 seasons in this series. It belongs to the animation, action, and comedy genres.
Now It has recently been added on the Netflix App.
SPY x FAMILY (Anime ) Series Cast
- Takuya Eguchi
- Atsumi Tanezaki
- Saori Hayami
- Alex Organ
- Megan Shipman
- Natalie Van Sistine
- Noucky Andriansyah
- Ken’ichirô Matsuda
- Hana Sato
SPY x FAMILY (Anime ) Series Story
A spy on an undercover mission gets married and adopts a child as part of his cover. His wife and daughter have secrets of their own, and all three must strive to keep together.
A spy known only as Twilight needs a family as part of his undercover mission, so he quickly marries a city hall worker and adopts a child and dog. Unknown to him, his family has secrets of their own: his wife Yor is an undercover assassin, his daughter Anya is a runaway psychic who can read minds, and his dog was from a laboratory that gave him the power to tell the future. All these four subjects must bond together as a family to manage their own affairs and be together as best as they can.
SPY x FAMILY (Anime ) Series Details
Title | SPY x FAMILY |
Language | English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Arabic and Japanese |
Genre | Animation and Action |
Directed by | Not Known |
Produced by | Not Known |
Release date | streaming |
Cast | Takuya Eguchi Atsumi Tanezaki Saori Hayami Alex Organ Megan Shipman Natalie Van Sistine |
OTT | Netflix |